Monday, June 28, 2010


I feel like I'm finally starting to get back in touch with my emotions and go places that I haven't let myself go this past year because they were too painful and I"m tired of being in pain. But now those places are starting to creep out. I've been thinking about starting a blog again, just a place to get things out and maybe start honestly sharing what God has brought me through. I saw this quote on Jody Lander's blog and that was my confirmation that I want to start writing again.

"For God to use your painful experiences, you must be willing to share them."

So I guess it's time to share them. Where do I start?! It's been a LONG year...for now I'll just try and come up with a name for my new blog. Hmmmm.....


  1. HUGS!!
    here for you!
    blog away friend!!

  2. Aw thanks're the best Steph!
